Sunday, November 2, 2008


One of our favorite activities with the grandsons while they're here is hot tubbing. Dylan has learned some confidence in the water and Seth is pretty much a "wild man" with NO FEAR!! Good thing it's a small hot tub cuz he has no problem stepping off the ledges inside the tub when no one is looking. He rarely sputters and of course someone is always there to help him. I think he'd probably swim to the other side by himself if we'd let him.

Last visit the hot tub felt really good on one of those cold nights, and the four of us stayed in for quite awhile. POPS thought we were getting wrinkled and that it was time to get out. Dylan agreed that his skin was getting pretty wrinkled. I told him that I love his wrinkled skin and that I love him when he isn't wrinkled too. He informed me that he loved me when my skin was wrinkled, which was all the time because I'm old. "The only time you won't be wrinkled is when you die," Dylan informed me. We laughed and I decided that it's OK to be wrinkled, in or out of the hot tub!!

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