Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Ring Bearers and "COOKIES"

Bonnie was so excited to ask her nephews, Dylan and Seth, and a little cousin, Sam, to be the ring bearers in her wedding. Three little boys, plus cousin Emma as the flower girl made for a fun and entertaining day! In advance, Emma was thrilled to be asked, Sam wasn't quite sure what it was all about, and Dylan said he was going to be mad if it was like the last wedding he was in where he really didn't get to carry the rings. What is a ring bearer for anyway?? Now, Seth . . . that is another story. Bon and Aaron thought it would be so fun to have Seth, "Mr. Personality," as a ring bearer too, but as a 22 month old, we weren't sure how that was going to work out.

When it came to the rehearsal, Seth thought it was pretty cool to walk hand-in-hand with the big boys and of course he got lots of attention from the wedding party and all the adults. The fact that there were no guests in the chairs made for a pretty relaxing evening and we were thrilled with how he did.

The next day, Emma looked beautiful in her flower girl dress and the three boys looked snazzy in their white dress shirts, black slacks and brown ties. It was kind of a long day with all the pictures and everything, so we made sure to tell Dylan and Sam not to worry about Seth. "Don't MAKE him do anything he doesn't want to do. It's not worth it to make a scene and it doesn't matter if he goes down the aisle or not," we told them. When the time came, Seth really wanted nothing to do with walking with the boys, especially when he saw all 250 sitting in the white chairs staring at him. POPS said he could hear Seth shouting, "NO," from a long ways away. After Emma and the other two boys went down the aisle, Seth was standing at the back of the ceremony just staring straight ahead.

The next scene is priceless and I'm SO THANKFUL to have gotten the sequence on a combination of cameras. My dear friend Becky, who was also standing at the back taking pictures, leaned down to Seth and said, "Grandma Jo has cookies." Oh my gosh . . . Seth got the biggest smile on his face, yelled "COOKIES" and took off running down the aisle to me where I was kneeling towards him with the cookies! It was THE BEST - couldn't have written the script any better. Seth was a happy camper, the wedding guests clapped and were totally entertained, and we love to look at the priceless pictures of that special moment.

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